divendres, 7 de febrer del 2014

Reviewing numbers!

We learnt the numbers during the first term, but we need to refresh them! Is there anything better than a game to review the numbers?

Make... steps
(Yago and Pep are great dancers!)

Yago and Pep dancing
Pep keeps dancing!
Iris has to hug some people!
Martí claps his hands ... times.
Iris wants to hug Aleix... but Aleix doesn't want!
Ivan counts to...
Aleix has to touch his head ... times
Cristian counts to..
Pep touches his feet ... times
Ivan and Abel are counting to...
Adrià touches his head ... times

Vam aprendre els números durant el primer trimestre, però els hem de refrescar! Hi ha alguna manera millor per fer-ho que no sigui jugant?

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