dilluns, 10 d’octubre del 2016

Porta un amic i gaudiràs del 50% en la teva propera quota mensual.
A més, ell tindrà un descompte del 50% en la matricula.

Bring a friend and you will have a 50% discount next month.
In addition, your friend will get a 50% discount in his enrolment fee

dimarts, 4 d’octubre del 2016

Happy birthday to... (OCTOBER)

These are the birthdays of our school members in OCTOBER!
 Do not forget to congratulate them!

Aquests són els aniversaris dels nostres alumnes que fan anys a l'octubre...
No us oblideu de felicitar-los!

9th October-Peter
16th October- Quirze
19th October- Miguel
21st October- Martina
26th October- Aitor
29th October- Iris
31st October- Enric