divendres, 20 de desembre del 2013

Christmas Poem

On Tuesday 17th December, some of our students between 9 and 11 years old decided to recite this Christmas poem for all of you.

Christmas Time – Ronald Doe

Christmas Time is finally here,

It only comes but once a year.
And it's a time to spread good cheer,
To those we love and hold so dear.

Christmas Time is a time of glee,
A time when peace and love run free.
A time for those like you and me,
To sit beneath the Christmas Tree.

Christmas Time is a time of joy,
A time to sit back and enjoy.
The smile on each girl and boy,
As they play with a Christmas Toy.

Christmas Time is a time to share,
The passing of another year.

Christmas Time is a time for song,
Forgive all those who did us wrong.
Christmas Time should be everyday

Dimarts 17 de desembre alguns dels alumnes d'entre 9 i 11 anys van decidir recitar aquest poema de Nadal per a tots vosaltres.

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